Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Lovely lemon curdy pie

this was an attempt of a substitute cake i made for my dad on his bday this year.

Lemon curdy pie!
serves 4

then again, my end product didnt really look like this. i used a proper oven dish so it looked more rectangular and flatter. the bottom also didnt look so milky and cheesy. its a pity i dont have the habit of photographing what i bake or you would know what im referring to =)


- 55g butter
- 115g sugar (vanilla sugar is nice)
- grated rind and juice of 1 lemon
- 2 large eggs (separate the yolk from the white)
- 55g self-raising flour
- 285ml milk (UHT fresh milk, HL milk, whichever you prefer)

1) Preheat the oven to 200ºC/400ºF/gas 6.

2) Cream the butter, sugar and lemon rind in a mixing bowl. Add the egg yolks and flour and beat in, then add the milk and 3 tablespoons of lemon juice and mix well.

3) Whisk the egg whites in a separate bowl until stiff, then add the rest of the mixture. Mix it all well but don't over-mix it; you don't want the air to come out of the egg whites. (at this point, the mixture looks so watery and you may worry that the proportions could have gone wrong, but dont worry, its meant to be like that!)

4) Pour into a buttered ovenproof dish, stand the dish in a roasting tin about a third full of water, then bake in your preheated oven for about 45 minutes until the top is set and spongy and it's a nice golden colour.

okay. what i really love about this dish besides the fact that its dead easy is also how people have often misunderstood this for a cheesecake. nope, no cheese at all! but i must say, some people may find this pie too 'soft' and 'watery' for their liking. i think refrigerating it could help alleviate the problem a little. overall, worthy cheesecake substitute! : )

once again, courtesy of jamie oliver cheers!

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